30-Day Money Back GuaranteeWe’re confident we design and sell the very best supplements and superfoods available at any price, and we want you to share our confidence! That’s why we back every sale with a 30-day money back guarantee.

If you don’t like the product, if it just doesn’t work for you, return it. Within 30 days of receipt, products purchased from us may be returned for any reason. (We don’t refund shipping costs unless items are defective.)

If you would like to request a refund or exchange, please contact us by phone (520-896-9003, Toll free: 800-228-4265) during business hours (9–11:45 am, 1–4 pm Arizona Time) or email our support staff. Briefly explain to us your reason for requesting a return or exchange. We can better serve you if we understand the reasons for your request. When we receive your package, we will credit the card you paid with or send a check for the full purchase price of your product, minus any applicable shipping costs. Please allow up to several weeks for package delivery to us, and for us to process your request.